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新的織物組織-새로운 직물조직(중국어판)

류문호 지음

2017년 12월 30일 출간

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eBook 상품 정보
파일 정보 pdf (29.80MB)
ISBN 9791196152949
쪽수 448쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

This book is based on the fabric organization of the author, In addition to hydrology and geometry in fabric histology, This is a technical book that summarizes the design concept of a new concept and the corresponding drawing method.
"New Design" is the design logic of a new field that has not been announced yet, The number of patterns thus formed is infinite, Size and diversity can also be increased to infinity
The above design theory can be applied to all industrial fields such as landscaping, civil engineering, architecture, shipbuilding, furniture, and crafts. It also makes it easier to design other designs than ever before.
New design contents

Chapter 1 New design induction method
01 Introduction to new design 002 Page
02 Horizontal erasing induction method 022 Page
03 Vertical erasing induction method 030 Page
04 Vertical and horizontal erasing induction method 034 Page

Chapter 2 New design construction method
01 Induction design synthesis method 050 Page
02 Design insertion method 070 Page
03 Design expansion method 084 Page
04 Design rotation method 105 Page

Chapter 3 Use of new design
01 Decoration of garden and landscape 114 Page
02 Decoration of plaza and sidewalk 120 Page
03 Decoration of building and wall 127 Page
04 Decoration of column and bridge 134 Page
05 Decoration of guard rail and ship 142 Page
06 Decoration of furniture and craftwork 151 Page

Chapter 4 New design reference book
01 Rhombus shaped design 159 Page
02 Herringbone shaped design 183 Page
03 Horizontal migration design 207 Page
04 Reference line for design 231 Page

New design expands design to repeated point by repeating remaining and erasing in motive line(twill). In such case, the scope of design increase becomes least common multiple of the sum of remaining piece number and erasing piece number and motive design one repeat piece number and piece number of created design including erasing and therefore it can increase to mathematical infinity.

I have studied fabric tissue for about fifty years and organized theories of fabric tissue. While studying fabric tissue, I found fabric tissue to be a structure with beautiful composition. When looking into the composition of fabric tissue in terms of geometry and mathematics, you will find fabric tissue to be a structure which is well balanced even with elements of imbalance and is stable in all directions even with possibility of change.

I organized a new concept of theory of design which adds mathematics and geometry to fabric structure science and composition method and get to publish a book titled 『New Design』 to use beauty of composition of fabric tissue as design.

Erasing a figure makes it smaller whereas erasing a fabric tissue makes it larger and more diverse. Fabric tissue consists of an aggregate of figures and therefore erasing fabric tissue and connecting repeat points cause a change in number and size. In other words, least common multiple of the sum of remaining piece number and erasing piece number and motive design one repeat piece number becomes piece number of created design including erasing. Repeating remaining and erasing in line(twill) which serves as foundation for design induces and creates motive of new design and created design expands to immense area beyond imagination. The number of design by type is infinite in terms of mathematics. The size and diversity of design can expand to infinity.

Theories presented in this book are applicable to all fields of industry including landscape architecture, civil engineering, architecture, shipbuilding, furniture and crafts. Theories presented in this book allow everyone to more diverse designs easily. I expect this book to help create a beautiful world of new design beyond imagination and restore an order and brighten dark world.


저자(글) 류문호

Born in Bingkye-li, Chunsan-myeon, Euseong-gun, Gyeongsangbukdo in 1952, the author started the study on textile by entering department of spinning and weaving of Daegu Technical High School in 1969.
After graduation, he entered Cheil Industries, Inc. of Samsung Group starting the job on the shop floor, had engaged in textile development and design business in the design department after the military service and retired in 1982.
Later, he started the wool textile manufacturing business as private business founding the small factory, receiving order personally and outsourcing production. However, he closed the company in 1988 by several times of dishonor and currently is engaging in the textile development and research as an advisor and director of the corporate technical institute.
The author has studied the textile construction and arrange its theory and to assist the development of textile industry, he publish the theories studied until now.
Therefore, I arranged the logic in order to make it useful for the production practices by adding the mathematics and geometry to the textile construction and publish it in the printed book and e-book.
The books that I published are p-book 『Theory of Fabric tissue』 and 『Practice of Fabric tissue』. There is a Korean version, an English version, a Chinese version, and a Japanese version of the E-book 『New Fabric tissue』 published in December 2017.
There is also a Korean version of the ebook 『New design』 published in April 2018, English version, Chinese version and Japanese edition.

E-mail : app53@hanmail.net
Homepage : http://moonho.net

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