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Architecture of Asia, Africa, Genaral(체험판)

Worldwide Culture Collections 1

2017년 12월 15일 출간

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eBook 상품 정보
파일 정보 ePUB (6.20MB)
ISBN 9788960785670
쪽수 140쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

Like all forms of art, architecture has passed through many stages of development, from the rudimentary dwellings of primitive man to the grandiose structures of ancient Rome, to the ornate style of the Baroque period, to the rigidity of Modernism, to the manifold experiments with everything in between. All reflect the character and perspective of the architect.

“The house ... is a machine for living in,” the French architect Le Corbusier thundered. "It is a machine destined to serve as a useful aid for rapidity and precision in our work, a tireless and thoughtful machine to satisfy the needs of the body: comfort.”

Italian architect Aldo Rossi once confessed, “I have a dream of great civil architecture; not the concordance of discords, but the city that is beautiful because of the wealth and variety it contains. I believe in the city of the future for this reason. It is a place where the fragments of something once broken are recomposed.”

Our Architecture collection is positively fascinating in its survey of master builders, past and present, from around the world. Here you’ll discover for yourself just how many approaches there are to constructing buildings, communities, cities, and more.
Introduction for World & I Readers
● Ch’angdokkung Palace: Korea’s Best-Kept Secret
● Creating Modern Japanese Architecture
● Frank Lloyd Wright’s Japanese Legacy
● Hafeez Contractor: Blending Old and New in India
● Japan’s Touch: The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens
● Kenzo Tange and Arata Isozaki: Two Giants of Japanese Architecture
● Lifting the Indonesian Veil
● Megalopolis Over Tokyo
● Shin Takamatsu: A Japanese Original
● Tadao Ando: Japan’s Pritzker Perfect Architect
● Vastu Shastra’s Resurgence: India’s Feng Shui
● Lessons of the Pyramids: Challenging Modern Notions
● The Egyptian Museum at 100
●● Brasilia: The Case Against Modernism
● Save That Modern Landmark

Changdeokkung Palace:Korea’s Best-Kept Secret

The only Korean palace remaining virtually intact, Changdeok, built in 1394 and just now being appreciated by the West, recalls the grandeur and scope of the Joseon dynasty.
Piwon and portions of Changdeok Palace may be visited by joining one of several daily guided tours at the Piwon entrance. Naksunjae, the formal back gardens of the palace, is open to the public only twice a year for royal ceremonies. Stephen Henkin, an arts editor at The World & I, visited Changdeokkung on press assignment to Seoul.
New visitors to Seoul are amazed by not only the size of this burgeoning city but also its fascinating blend of architectural styles. The designs, schemes, and techniques used for buildings throughout the capital of Korea (once known as the "hermit kingdom") derive from both the indigenous culture and a wide variety of foreign cultures from ancient to modern times. It is here that striking contemporary highrises and private houses stand side by side with dignified royal palaces, temples, shrines, and gates of antiquity.

Creating Modern Japanese Architecture

This article first appeared under the title "The Making of a Modern Japanese Architecture".
Tokyo, as current fashionable opinion would have us believe, is "the world's most exciting city.” Not many years ago, most Westerners regarded the place as a vision of hell: a polluted, overcrowded, unplanned ant heap, an Oriental version of L.A. with the smog but without the space. It has now been taken up by the world of design; Western designers and architects are busy there. Both Philippe Starck and Norman Foster have recently secured Tokyo commissions. The most fashionable bars-and the Japanese are serious drinkers-are designed by an Englishman, Nigel Coates.
For a century and a quarter, Japan has been involved in a tense but often creative dialogue with the West. Its impact in the field of architecture is analyzed in a magnificent-but sometimes maddening-book by the American architectural historian David B. Stewart (The Making of a Modern Japanese Architecture, 1868 to the Present, Kodansha, n.p.).
The history of modern Japan begins with the enthronement of the sixteen-year-old Emperor Meiji in 1868. The next few decades saw a ruthless modernization of the country: Feudalism was abolished, railroads built, a banking system established, and industries set up. Japan amazed the world by defeating the Russian Empire in 1904-05.

Lessons of the Pyramids: Challenging Modern Notions

Even with technological wonders at his beck and call, modern man stands in awe at the complexity of construction and cision of measurement of the pyramids of Egypt.
One may wonder why the pyramid form, once so popular, is seldom built in modern times, being duplicated only in those rare instances, such as at the Louvre, or Las Vegas, when it is meant to be eye-catching enough to generate notoriety. Clearly, the virtual abandonment of the architectural style is due, in great part, to the development of mechanical lifting devices and the increasingly high cost of today’s prime real estate.


WorldandI.com is a multifaceted monthly online publication as well as a database which presents thought-provoking readings in politics, science, culture, and more in sections on Current Issues, Life, Book World, The Arts, Natural Science, Culture, Modern Thought, and Civil War.Started in 1986 as a print magazine, The World & I has accumulated a wealth of timeless articles written by scholars and experts--all of which are now available on our online database. The print magazine World & I was converted to an online-only format in 2004 to join the rapidly evolving technology advances in the publishing world. WorldandI.com is designed for the general public. Its core pages include Social Sciences, Books and Travel, Science, the Arts, as well as Spanish and English learning programs. Our Special Collections feature comprehensive Global Culture Studies, World Gallery, Environment in Flux, Shedding Light on Islam, American Indian Heritage, Millennial Moments, and more. Beautiful visual aids breathe life and meaning into these contents. WorldandI.com stands as the one and only single magazine-based database serving the general public. Year after year, The World & I proves itself to be a leader in the swiftly evolving world of online education.

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