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중국의 역사. A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.], by Wolfram Eberhard

Eberhard , Wolfram 지음

2020년 01월 02일 출간

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ISBN 9791190577298
쪽수 407쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

중국의 역사. A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.], by Wolfram Eberhard
중국의 역사에 대해서 미국 캘리포니아 대학에서 쓴책.상 조 진 송 수 당 명 청 나라.
중국의 역사. A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.], by Wolfram Eberhard

o 1 Sources for the earliest history 7
o 2 The Peking Man 8
o 3 The Palaeolithic Age 8
o 4 The Neolithic Age 9
o 5 The eight principal prehistoric cultures 10
o 6 The Yang- shao culture 12
o 7 The Lung- shan culture 15
o 8 The first petty States in Shansi 16

? Chapter II: THE SHANG DYNASTY (c. 1600- 1028 B.C.)
o 1 Period, origin, material culture 19
o 2 Writing and Religion 22
o 3 Transition to feudalism 24

? Chapter III: THE CHOU DYNASTY (c. 1028- 257 B.C.)
o 1 Cultural origin of the Chou and end of the Shang
dynasty 29
o 2 Feudalism in the new empire 30
o 3 Fusion of Chou and Shang 32
o 4 Limitation of the imperial power 36
o 5 Changes in the relative strength of the feudal states 38
o 6 Confucius 40
o 7 Lao Tz? 45

? Chapter IV: THE CONTENDING STATES (481- 256 B.C.):
o 1 Social and military changes 51
o 2 Economic changes 53
o 3 Cultural changes 57

? Chapter V: THE CHIN DYNASTY (256- 207 B.C.)
o 1 Towards the unitary State 62
o 2 Centralization in every field 64
o 3 Frontier Defence. Internal collapse 67

? Chapter VI: THE HAN DYNASTY (206 B.C.- A.D. 220)
o 1 Development of the gentry- state 71
o 2 Situation of the Hsiung- nu empire; its relation to the
Han empire. Incorporation of South China 75
o 3 Brief feudal reaction. Consolidation of the gentry 77
o 4 Turkestan policy. End of the Hsiung- nu empire 86
o 5 Impoverishment. Cliques. End of the Dynasty 90
o 6 The pseudo- socialistic dictatorship. Revolt of the "Red
Eyebrows" 93
o 7 Reaction and Restoration: the Later Han dynasty 96
o 8 Hsiung- nu policy 97
o 9 Economic situation. Rebellion of the "Yellow Turbans".
Collapse of the Han dynasty 99
o 10 Literature and Art 103
220- 580)
? (A) The three kingdoms (A.D. 220- 265)
o 1 Social, intellectual, and economic problems during the
period of the first division 107
o 2 Status of the two southern Kingdoms 109
o 3 The northern State of Wei 113
? (B) The Western Chin dynasty (265- 317)
o 1 Internal situation in the Chin empire 115
o 2 Effect on the frontier peoples 116
o 3 Struggles for the throne 119
o 4 Migration of Chinese 120
o 5 Victory of the Huns. The Hun Han dynasty (later
renamed the Earlier Chao dynasty) 121
? (C) The alien empires in North China, down to the Toba (A.D. 317-
o 1 The Later Chao dynasty in eastern North China (Hun;
329- 352) 123
o 2 Earlier Yen dynasty in the north- east (proto- Mongol;
352- 370), and the Earlier Ch'in dynasty in all north China
(Tibetan; 351- 394) 126
o 3 The fragmentation of north China 128
o 4 Sociological analysis of the two great alien empires 131
o 5 Sociological analysis of the petty States 132
o 6 Spread of Buddhism 133
? (D) The Toba empire in North China (A.D. 385- 550)
o 1 The rise of the Toba State 136
o 2 The Hun kingdom of the Hsia (407- 431) 139
o 3 Rise of the Toba to a great power 139
o 4 Economic and social conditions 142
o 5 Victory and retreat of Buddhism 145
? (E) Succession States of the Toba (A.D. 550- 580): Northern Ch'i
dynasty, Northern Chou dynasty

o 1 Reasons for the splitting of the Toba empire 148
o 2 Appearance of the (G?k) Turks 149
3 The Northern Ch'i dynasty; the Northern Chou dynasty
? (F) The southern empires

o 1 Economic and social situation in the south 152
o 2 Struggles between cliques under the Eastern Chin
dynasty (A.D. 317- 419) 155
o 3 The Liu- Sung dynasty (A.D. 420- 478) and the Southern
Ch'i dynasty (A.D. 479- 501) 159
o 4 The Liang dynasty (A.D. 502- 556) 161
o 5 The Ch'en dynasty (A.D. 557- 588) and its ending by the
Sui 162
o 6 Cultural achievements of the south 163

? (A) The Sui dynasty (A.D. 580- 618)
o 1 Internal situation in the newly unified empire 166
o 2 Relations with Turks and with Korea 169
o 3 Reasons for collapse 170
? (B) The Tang dynasty (A.D. 618- 906)
o 1 Reforms and decentralization 172
o 2 Turkish policy 176
o 3 Conquest of Turkestan and Korea. Summit of power 177
o 4 The reign of the empress Wu: Buddhism and capitalism
o 5 Second blossoming of T'ang culture 182
o 6 Revolt of a military governor 184
o 7 The role of the Uighurs. Confiscation of the capital of
the monasteries 186
o 8 First successful peasant revolt. Collapse of the empire


? (A) The period of the Five Dynasties (906- 960)
1 Beginning of a new epoch 195
o 2 Political situation in the tenth century 199
o 3 Monopolistic trade in South China. Printing and paper
money in the north 200
o 4 Political history of the Five Dynasties 202
? (B) Period of Moderate Absolutism
? (1) The Northern Sung dynasty

o 1 Southward expansion 208
o 2 Administration and army. Inflation 210
o 3 Reforms and Welfare schemes 215
o 4 Cultural situation (philosophy, religion, literature,
painting) 217
o 5 Military collapse 221
? (2) The Liao (Kitan) dynasty in the north (937- 1125)
o 1 Sociological structure. Claim to the Chinese imperial
throne 222
o 2 The State of the Kara- Kitai 223
? (3) The Hsi- Hsia State in the north (1038- 1227)
o 1 Continuation of Turkish traditions 224
? (4) The empire of the Southern Sung dynasty (1127- 1279)
o 1 Foundation 225
o 2 Internal situation 226
o 3 Cultural situation; reasons for the collapse 227
? (5) The empire of the Juch?n in the north (1115- 1234)
o 1 Rapid expansion from northern Korea to the Yangtze
o 2 United front of all Chinese 229
o 3 Start of the Mongol empire 230

? (A) The Mongol Epoch (1280- 1368)
o 1 Beginning of new foreign rules 232
o 2 "Nationality legislation" 233
o 3 Military position 234
o 4 Social situation 235
5 Popular risings: National rising 238
o 6 Cultural 241
? (B) The Ming Epoch (1368- 1644)
o 1 Start. National feeling 243
o 2 Wars against Mongols and Japanese 244
o 3 Social legislation within the existing order 246
o 4 Colonization and agricultural developments 248
o 5 Commercial and industrial developments 250
o 6 Growth of the small gentry 252
o 7 Literature, art, crafts 253
o 8 Politics at court 256
o 9 Navy. Southward expansion 258
o 10 Struggles between cliques 259
o 11 Risings 262
o 12 Machiavellism 263
o 13 Foreign relations in the sixteenth century 264
o 14 External and internal perils 266
? (C) The Manchu Dynasty (1644- 1911)
o 1 Installation of the Manchus 270
o 2 Decline in the eighteenth century 272
o 3 Expansion in Central Asia; the first State treaty 277
o 4 Culture 279
o 5 Relations with the outer world 282
o 6 Decline; revolts 284
o 7 European Imperialism in the Far East 285
o 8 Risings in Turkestan and within China: the T'ai P'ing
Rebellion 288
o 9 Collision with Japan; further Capitulations 294
o 10 Russia in Manchuria 296
o 11 Reform and reaction: The Boxer Rising 296
o 12 End of the dynasty 299
? Chapter XI: THE REPUBLIC (1912- 1948)
o 1 Social and intellectual position 303
o 2 First period of the Republic: The warlords 309
o 3 Second period of the Republic: Nationalist China 314
o 4 The Sino- Japanese war (1937- 1945) 317
o 1 The growth of communism 320
o 2 Nationalist China in Taiwan 323
o 3 Communist China 327
? Notes and References 335
? Index 355


저자(글) Eberhard

중국의 역사. A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.], by Wolfram Eberhard
중국의 역사에 대해서 미국 캘리포니아 대학에서 쓴책.상 조 진 송 수 당 명 청 나라.

저자(글) Wolfram

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