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흑사병같은 전염병 역병을 예방 치료 구제에 대해서 수집한 자료집.A Collection of Seven and Fifty appro

Unknown 지음

2020년 03월 31일 출간

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ISBN 9791190690614
쪽수 81쪽
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흑사병같은 전염병 역병을 예방 치료 구제에 대해서 수집한 자료집.A Collection of Seven and Fifty approved Receipts Good against the Plague, by Unknown
영국에서 1665년도에 나온 책으로 흑사병같은 곤충 동물에게서 사람에게 일으키는 전염병 역병을 예방하고 치료하고 구제에 대해서 쓴자료를 수집한책. 1665년도 당시와 2020년도의 지금의 코로나 바이러스 역병의 예방 치료 등 대처법이 연구될 자료임.
I through Gods divine providence, have had at ?everal
times, great occa?ion to make u?e of Medicines for the
health of my own body, as namely in the year 1642,
for Cuts and Shots, where then I came acquainted,
and into familiarity with Ma?ter George Dunne
Chyrurgion, Ma?ter Leadbeater the Apothecary, Ma?ter
Guye, Ma?ter Hicks, and Ma?ter Nicholas Culpepper,
by who?e familiarity I lo?t nothing, in the end of
September 1663 our hou?e was vi?ited with the Plague,
one died before we knew what it was, the family was
five in number, I lay in the ?ame bedding the decea?ed
dyed out of, he dyed full of the marks, I had a Boyle
in my Groyne that never brake, but went away by
purging and vomiting, my fellow had one that brake,
yet none dyed but the fir?t, I helpt to Coffin about ?ix
per?ons, in one family at that time, yet by Gods
providence am yet alive, in the year 1649, I had a long
?ickne?s from Mid?omer till Chri?tmas, of that mi?erable
di?ea?e called the griping or plague of the Guts, which
cau?ed me to ?earch all publick means for cure, and
having ?pent what means I had upon Doctors like the
woman that had the bloudy I??ue:

흑사병같은 전염병 역병을 예방 치료 구제에 대해서 수집한 자료집.A Collection of Seven and Fifty approved Receipts Good against the Plague, by Unknown

Introduction. Introduction
1. An approved Remedy again?t the
Pe?tilence be it never ?o vehement.
2. A very good perfume again?t the
3. Another very good Remedy again?t
the Plague.
4. For him that is ?ick of the Plague. 2
5. A marvellous pre?ervative again?t the
An approved good ointment to make
an Impo?tume break and the Plague
?ore to fall off.
7. Another remedy again?t the Plague. 3
8. Another very good Remedy again?t
the Plague.
9. Another perfect Receipt again?t the
10. Another again?t the Plague. 4
11. A thing often experimented again?t
the Plague.
12. A pre?ervative again?t the Plague
proved oftentimes.
13. Another. 5
14. In a ?u?pect time of the Plague. 5
15. Another mo?t excellent Medicine
good again?t the Plague.
16. A rare and perfect ?ecret again?t the
17. Another very rare approved Receipt. 6
To make a Carbuncle and all other
Botches Impo?tumes and Plague
?ores to break,
a pre?ent remedy and very a?ie to be
A very good Remedy again?t the
Marks of the Plague commonly called
Gods marks or God tokens.
20. Again?t the mortality of the Pe?tilence
an approved remedy.
21. To make little round balls good
again?t the Plague.
22. A very perfect oyl again?t the Plague
and all manner of poy?on.
23. A marvelous ?ecret for to pre?erve a
man from the Plague.
24. A very ?ure and perfect remedy to
cure a man of the Pe?tilence.
A pre?ent remedy to heal the
Pe?tilence by drawing out the venome
from the ?ore approved.
26. How to make balls to ?mell to in time
of the Plague.
27. An excellent perfume for a chamber
in the time of a Plague or Pe?tilence.
28. Again?t the Plague. 11
29. Another again?t the Plague. 11
A pre?ervative in time of Pe?tilence,
and again?t all venome or poy?on,
and again?t the biting of a mad Dog.
An approved compo?ition as well to
pre?erve as to heal, very good in the
time of a contagious Plague.
32. Another mo?t excellent Compo?ition,
and a very good pre?ervative
again?t the Pe?tilence often tried and
Another compo?ition in powder, but
in another manner for the ?ame

흑사병같은 전염병 역병을 예방 치료 구제에 대해서 수집한 자료집.A Collection of Seven and Fifty approved Receipts Good against the Plague, by Unknown
영국에서 1665년도에 나온 책으로 흑사병같은 곤충 동물에게서 사람에게 일으키는 전염병 역병을 예방하고 치료하고 구제에 대해서 쓴자료를 수집한책. 1665년도 당시와 2020년도의 지금의 코로나 바이러스 역병의 예방 치료 등 대처법이 연구될 자료임.
I through Gods divine providence, have had at ?everal
times, great occa?ion to make u?e of Medicines for the
health of my own body, as namely in the year 1642,
for Cuts and Shots, where then I came acquainted,
and into familiarity with Ma?ter George Dunne
Chyrurgion, Ma?ter Leadbeater the Apothecary, Ma?ter
Guye, Ma?ter Hicks, and Ma?ter Nicholas Culpepper,
by who?e familiarity I lo?t nothing, in the end of
September 1663 our hou?e was vi?ited with the Plague,
one died before we knew what it was, the family was
five in number, I lay in the ?ame bedding the decea?ed
dyed out of, he dyed full of the marks, I had a Boyle
in my Groyne that never brake, but went away by
purging and vomiting, my fellow had one that brake,
yet none dyed but the fir?t, I helpt to Coffin about ?ix
per?ons, in one family at that time, yet by Gods
providence am yet alive, in the year 1649, I had a long
?ickne?s from Mid?omer till Chri?tmas, of that mi?erable
di?ea?e called the griping or plague of the Guts, which
cau?ed me to ?earch all publick means for cure, and
having ?pent what means I had upon Doctors like the
woman that had the bloudy I??ue:

흑사병같은 전염병 역병을 예방 치료 구제에 대해서 수집한 자료집.A Collection of Seven and Fifty approved Receipts Good against the Plague, by Unknown
34. Common Pills very good for the
Antidotes or Medicines, and
comfortable pre?ervative of ?mall co?t
to find that poor people may prepare
for them?elves.
36. Another rare Medicine. 15
It is requi?ite to ?peak ?omething of a
?avour and ?weet ?mell; as powders
balls waters.
and perfumes, and fir?t of a powder
and fir?t of a powder for many
38. Another ?weet ?melling ball. 16
39. Another ?weet ball more ?weet for the
Of five outward Remedies, to purge
the Aire, the pre?ente?t and ea?ie?t
and of.
?malle?t price for per?ons low in
e?tate and condition.
Eight Cau?ions for the whole ?um of
governing of mans body e?pecially in
the time of the Plague.
A ?overain powder again?t the
venome of the Plague, fit for Princes
and Rich people.
43. How to make a powder for the poorer
?ort of people.
44. How with little co?t to make a drink
for the poor.
45. A drink that hath been proved good
again?t the Plague.
46. How opiate is made. 18
47. How to make a drink meat after the
taking of Opiate, or to be mixed.
with the Opiate for the ?tronge?t or
meane?t men according to the time
and place.
48. How to make a good drink for the
49. How to make a drink to cau?e one to
50. How to to make a drink ea?ie for the
poor of low price.
51. How to provoke ?weat and heal the
52. An excellent pre?ervative again?t the
53. Another again?t the Plague. 19
54. How to make another pre?ervative
again?t the Plague.
55. Another pre?ervative again?t the
56. How to make a good water again?t
the Plague or Surfeite.
57. How to purifie the Air in a Plague

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