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Bible Matrix 6

차원용 지음

2020년 04월 17일 출간

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ISBN 9791190462051
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부활/휴거 예수님의 재림시기 예측(c.AD 10740년)과 재림의 목적/방법

예수님의 재림시기가 언제인지 예측할 수 있을까? 많은 분들은 예측할 수 없다고 한다. 왜냐하면 예수님은 “그러나 그 날(the day)과 그 때(the hour)는 아무도 모르나니 하늘의 천사들도, 아들도 모르고 오직 아버지만 아시느니라”(「마태복음」 24:36)라고 말씀하셨기 때문이다. 그러나 예수님은 “너희가 저녁에 하늘이 붉으면 날이 좋겠다하고, 아침에 하늘이 붉고 흐리면 오늘은 날이 궂겠다 하나니, 너희가 천기는 분별할 줄 알면서 시대의 표적(the signs of the times)은 분별할 수 없느냐?”(「마태복음] 16:3)고 꾸짖으셨고, “너희가 구름이 서에서 일어남을 보면 곧 말하기를 소나기가 오리라 하나니 과연 그러하고, 남풍이 붊을 보면 말하기를 심히 더우리라 하나니 과연 그러하니라, 외식하는 자여 너희가 천지의 기상은 분변할 줄을 알면서 어찌 이 시대(the present time or this time)는 분변치 못하느냐”(「누가복음」 12:54~56)고 꾸짖으셨다. 이 시대란 예수님이 BC 6년에 탄생하시어 BC 26~27년에 십자가에 못 박혀 죽으시고 3일 만에 부활하셨으므로 분명 물고기자리 시대인 것이다. 예수님은 계속해서 “내가 진실로 너희에게 말하노니 이 세대(this generation)가 지나가기 전에 이 일이 다 이루리라”(「마태복음」 24:34)고 말씀하셨다. 이 세대란 예수님이 오신(초림) 시대, 즉 물고기자리가 속한 12개의 별자리, 즉 25,920년의 대년을 말하는 것이다. BC 13020년에 노아의 홍수가 일어나서 360도 한 바퀴 도는 AD 12900년까지의 12별자리를 한 세대라고 하는 것이다. 결론적으로 예수님 재림의 정확한 날짜와 시간은 예측할 수 없지만, 이 세대의 그 시대, 즉 때(time), 즉 시기는 예측할 수 있다고 본다

This book is devoted to the godly(≠ the ungodly) or godly men or the righteous(≠ the unrighteous) or righteous men who are willing to welcome God the Father and Jesus Christ when they are coming to the earth with the Glory as more than spaceships or UFOs which would be beyond today’s science and technology.

I am a theist who believes in God the Father and Jesus Christ, but not a monotheist, but a polytheist as Elohim(God) as Gods(plural). And I am trying to balance between science and theism. Jesus called his Father as God the Father in the New Testament, not Lord God(=Yahweh as God of Israel) written in the Old Testament. It means that God the Father is the Most High, the other God as Elohim(plural) are lower.

Please read following verses of <1 Corinthians>:

<1 Corinthians> 8:5 - For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many "gods" and many "lords")(NIV). 8:6 - yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

God as Elohim(plural) is described ‘gods’ instead of God or Gods in <1 Corinthians 8:5> in terms of Christianity. (I will explain it in ). Among Elohim, God the Father is Most High, and his Only One and Son is Jesus Christ. This book, , titled as , consists of two Part. Through Part 1 as , I will focus on the following issues:
Bible Matrix ⑥: Predicting the Second Coming of Jesus(c.AD 10,740~)


Part 1. Those who ascended into heaven, the death of Jesus → Visited to Paradise/Hell → Ascension, Resurrection and Rapture
Chapter 1. God(Elohim) have spiritual bodies, those who ascended into heaven, Jesus talked with Moses and Elijah, paradise, two witnesses

1. God(Elohim) and angels have heavenly as spiritual bodies, men have earthly as natural bodies
1-1. Let us make man in our image, in our likeness
1-2. The diet of God, smelling energy as mineral via the burnt or grain offering
1-3. Different systems, a natural body and a spiritual body
1-4. Ways to go to the different systems - To be reborn as resurrection &rapture
2. Those who ascended into heaven, Enoch/Moses/Elijah
2-1. God took Enoch who had been transformed to a spiritual body to heaven by a spaceship
2-2 God took Moses alive with a spacesuit to heaven by a spaceship
2-3. God took Elijah alive with a spacesuit to heaven by a spaceship(a chariot of fire/a whirlwind)
2-4. Biblical chariots, white/red/black horses → small spaceships, reconnaissance aircrafts
2-5. Which heaven Enoch/Moses/Elijah ascended to? Only Jesus has seen God the Father
2-6. Enoch’s and Paul's 3rd heaven ? There are Paradise and Hell in the 3rd heaven
3. Who are the two witnesses? Moses and Elijah, The same way as Jesus: Death → Resurrection → Transformation → Ascension
3-1. Jesus was transformed into a spiritual body, and Jesus talked with Moses and Elijah on the spaceship
3-2. Two witnesses as Moses and Elijah in Chapter 11 of , The same way as Jesus: Death → Resurrection → Transformation → Ascension
3-3. Moses and Elijah, chosen and anointed as two olive trees and the two lampstands, came with Jesus for learning?

Chapter 2. Jesus' Death->3 Days’ Visit to Paradise/Hell->Resurrection->40 Days with Disciples->Ascension into Heaven as Spiritual Body

1. Jesus’ Death, Jesus' flesh &blood=salvation, soul's saving=Paradise, life-giving is Spirit, the 1st resurrection
2. Before Jesus’ Resurrection->3 Days’ visit to Paradise and Hell(Hell descent) to preach new Gospel to the dead
2-1. Jesus on the cross, criminal on the right to Paradise and criminal on the left to Hell
2-2. Rich man and Lazarus - Rich man to Hell, Lazarus to Abraham's arms in Paradise
2-3. God of the living, Jesus is before Abraham, Abraham/Isaac/Jacob in Paradise
2-4. Jesus visited Paradise first to gifts to men and then came down to Hell
2-5. Jesus’Hell descent to preach new Gospel to the dead
2-6. Jesus raised many holy people who had died thousands of years ago
3. After Jesus’ Resurrection, Appeared to 500 brothers, 40 days’ teaching
3-1. When Jesus was resurrected, God as Elohim and angels helped him
3-2. Jesus appeared to disciples and more than 500 brothers at the same time
3-3. Teaching and living with the 12 Disciples for 40 days before ascension
4. Jesus' transformation → Ascension into heaven via Spaceship → Sat on the right hand of God the Father

Chapter 3. Condition, status, and method of resurrection/rapture, the spiritual body at the Second Coming of Jesus

1. Condition and status of resurrection/rapture → The Thousand Years → The New Jerusalem &The Nations
1-1. Resurrection →Neither marry nor be given in marriage like angels in heaven →The Thousand Years →The New Jerusalem &The Nations
1-2. The Concept/Logic of the Resurrection →Earth's Body to Die →Then to the Spiritual Body
1-3. First Resurrection →Thousand Years →Authority to Judge/490 Times Forgiveness/Judgment of Rebellious Angels
2. Order of Resurrection and Rapture: Jesus Christ →The 1st Resurrection →Rapture →The 2nd Resurrection
2-1. Order of Resurrection: Jesus Christ → The 1st Resurrection → The 2nd Resurrection
2-2. Those who died for Jesus Christ shall be first resurrected, then raptured
3. The method of the resurrection and the rapture
3-1. Born of water and the spiri

Part 1.

Those who ascended into heaven, the death of Jesus → Visited to Paradise/Hell → Ascension, Resurrection and Rapture

Even though mortal beings on this Earth, the Old Testament recorded those who ascended into heaven, such as Enoch(BC 3492(B)-BC 3127(B), Moses(BC 1526-BC 1406), and the Prophet Elijah(prophetic ministry, BC 875-BC 848). Why were these men taken to heaven by God(Elohim)1 and in what way did they ascend to heaven?

There seemed to be no trace for three days from the death of Jesus to the resurrection of Jesus. Where has Jesus been to in these three days before the resurrection? Did Jesus descend into Hell as ‘Hell descent’ to preach new Gospel?

On the third day, he rose again from the dead as the resurrection, and before he ascended into heaven, Jesus was eating, encouraging, and teaching the 12 disciples for forty days. Then he was transformed into the spiritual body, and he ascended into the tenth heaven as the highest heaven written in Chapter 22 of <2 Enoch>2, from the Mount of Olives which was on the right side of the Temple of Jerusalem, and he sat on the right hand of God the Father Almighty. How and in what way did Jesus ascend to the tenth heaven?

And from hence, Jesus shall come again to the Earth to judge the quick(or living or alive) and the dead as written in . So at the time of the Second of Coming Jesus in the air over the earth, how does the resurrection and rapture work? Why blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection?


저자(글) 차원용

아스팩미래기술경영연구소(주) 대표 소장정보경영공학(박사), 경영학(MBA), 영어교육/영문학(문학사)을 전공했으며, 천체우주물리학, 광학, 물리학, 화학, 생물학, 유전공학, 신경과학, 시스템생물학, 인조생물학, 생체모방학, 재생의학, 로봇공학 등을 공부했다. 또한 정보기술, 나노기술, 바이오기술, 에너지기술, 물자원기술, 식량기술 등을 연구하였다. 특히 이들 학문과 기술의 융합을 연구하고 있다. 최근에는 제4차 산업혁명을 주도하고 있는 시간(Digital/Cyber)-공간(Physical)-인간(Bio)의 매트릭스들인 스마트데이터(SD)와 X-ABNI+α가 융합된 유기칩(OC)과 마이크로컴퓨터를 베이스로 에너지, Cloud<->Edge, Block chain, AR/VR, 드론, 코봇, 자율차, 스마트 시티/팩토리, 두뇌/생체인터넷, 유전자가위, 스마트키친/음식/양식 등을 연구하고 있다.그간 배운 지식을 사회에 환원하고자, 카이스트 IP영재기업인육성 미래기술 담당강사와 연세대 공학대학원 미래융합기술 담당강사로 활동 중이고, 숙명여대 정책산업대학원 겸임교수와 고려대 및 이화여대 Campus CEO 과정 지도교수로 활동하였다. 삼성전자, LG전자, 현대기아자동차, SKT, KT, POSCO, 벤처기업협회, 한국생산기술연구원, 테크노파크 등 우리나라 산업의 미래와 발전을 위해 연간 150회 정도의 출강도 하고 있다.특히 Google 인공지능형 자율주행자동차 특허 110개와 글로벌 드론 특허 300개를 집중 분석한 보고서를 발간했다. 주요 저서(공저 포함)로는 『디지털 비즈니스 게임』(2001), 『솔루션 비즈니스 마케팅』(2002), 『미래기술경영 대예측』(2006), 『다른 것이 아름답다』(2008), 『반도체로 움직이는 세상』(2008), 『한국을 먹여 살릴 녹색융합』(2009), 『기술의 대융합』(2010),『2030년, 미래전략을 말한다』(2011), 『미래가 보인다, 글로벌 미래 2030』(2013), 『상상 현실이 되다』(2014) 등 20권이 있다.I majored in English Education(BS), Business Administration(MBA) and MISE(Management Information System Engineering(Ph.D.). And I self-studied Astrophysics, Optics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Genetic Engineering, Crispr-Cas, Neuroscience, System Biology, Artificial Biology, Biomimetics, Regenerative & Alternative Medicine, Robotics, Drone, Autonomous Vehicle, Internet of Things, Internet of Biogignal/Biometric/Bioenergy. I also self-studied Information & Communication Technology, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Energy Technology, Water Technology, and Food/Clean Meat Technology, etc.In particular, I am researching & studying the creation science by approaching the convergence of these disciplines and technologies with the matrix of time-space-human which was created through singularity-black hole-big bang, which existed(was) in the past, exists(is) now, and will be existed for a limited period of time in the future.I am not a prophet, nor a pre-cog, nor a pastor, nor a Father/priest, nor an elder. Even I am not a common deacon, but I am just an ordinary human being without a specific religion, and I am a humanist scholar and a scientist.However, it is clear who are the Antichrist or not<1 John 2:22; 1 John 4:2-3; 2 John 1:7>, believing in the Trinity of Almighty God the Father, His Only Son our Lord as Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and based on those criteria, I wrote .In this regard, the reader of this book is determined. It is not a book for Christians, nor for pastors/Fathers/priests/elders, nor for religious men.

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    • 선물한 열람권의 등록유효기간은 14일 입니다.
      (상대방이 기한내에 등록하지 않을 경우 소멸됩니다.)
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