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English Music journal

Asian Musicology 30


2020년 06월 27일 출간

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ISSN 27336522
쪽수 186쪽
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Council for Asian Musicology

The objective of the Council for Asian Musicology shall be the advancement of research and study in the field of Asian music, for which purpose, all interested persons, regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin, are encouraged to become members. Its aims include serving the membership and council at large through the dissemination of knowledge concerning the music of the world’s people.
Asian Musicology is a refereed journal published once a year by the Council for Asian Musicology. The journal publishes original articles in the field of Asian music, broadly defined. Translations of previously published articles are generally not considered.
Asian Musicology welcomes articles on all aspects of the performing arts of Asia. Manuscripts should conform to The Chicago Manual of Style and be submitted to one of the co-editors by September 15 each year for consideration of next year’s publication. Contributors of essays will receive five free copies of the volume in which their essays appear. Contributors need not be members of the Council.
Asian Musicology functions as a vehicle for the exchange of ideas, news, and information. Inquiries pertaining to advertising in the journal should be directed to the editor of the journal.
Table of Contents
From the Editor: TheFrom the Editor: Chinese Contribution to the Contemporary Music of the 21st Century Yu Hui 9

In Search of a Distinctive Asian Sound ? Fusion and Transformation
in Hong Kong Contemporary Compositions Since 199012
Yat-wai Joseph WON 12

Fallen Leaves, New Roots Nicholas Ng 36

Ancient Melody and New Sound in Music from the Tang Court
.........................................................................................Ye Yu 88

Wang Xilin, Human Suffering, and Compositional Trends in Twenty-First Century China .John O. Robison 107

Cross-Cultural Elements in Paul Rudy’s Fantasie Composition
Wang Zheng-Ting 107

Chinese Music in Malaysia: Sustainability and Convergence
Loo Fung Ying / Loo Fung Chiat 152

Guidelines for Authors 181

Contact 184

Asian Musicology Membership Rates 185

Council for Asian Musicology 186

Board of Directors 186

Acknowledgement 187

From the Editor:

The Chinese Contribution to the Contemporary Music of the 21st Century

Yu Hui ??
Music creativity in ancient China and East Asia has made a tremendous contribution to the accumulation of the wealthy musical heritages throughout history, most of which are still enjoyed by contemporary listeners and transmitted worldwide. Modern professional composition activities in China started in the early 20th century with the establishment of Western-style music conservatories as well as the musicians who immigrated from Europe to the concessions in Shanghai, some escaping the Soviet Revolution and the anti-Semitism movement. The Shanghai Municipal Council Symphony Orchestra used to be one of the oldest and most influential Western-style orchestras in Asia. The composition department of the National Conservatory in China with several U.S. and Europe educated faculty members trained many outstanding musicians who played an essential role in modern China’s music education and musical creativities.
The last several decades saw growing Chinese elements in contemporary music scenes around the world. John Cage borrowed ancient Chinese music aesthetic ideas in interpreting his compositions. Chou Wen-chung attempted to “translate authentic oriental melo-rhythms into the terms of modern Western music.” , And inspired by traditional Chinese theatrical and ritual performances, Tan Dun incorporated audiovisual elements, using instruments constructed from organic materials, such as paper, water, and stone into his ingenious compositions.
In this issue of Asian Musicology, our authors present detailed accounts of modern composers and compositions with Chinese elements around the world; some are based on personal experiences and others are in-depth musicological research outcomes.
Dr. Joseph Wong’s paper aims to examine how fusion and transformation have played essential parts in the creative process of Hong Kong contemporary compositions since 1990. He illustrates how non-western musical elements and culture are incorporated into those compositions to create modern music with a distinctively Asian flavor. Ye Yu argues that with the appreciation of cultural relativism, heterophony has become one of the essential musical tools to construct national identity in Chinese contemporary music of the last decades. By examining the creative process and musical structure of Music from the Tang Court by Shanghai composer Ye Guohui, Ye Yu discusses how this composition interprets the “Chinese sound” in a distinctive heterophonic style. Dr. Nicholas Ng’s paper presents an analysis of his own compositional output in relation to its intrinsic connection with selected genres of music from China currently performed in Australia. Through analyses of Wang Xilin’s Symphony no. 8 and Concerto for piano and orchestra, Dr. John Robison illustrates that in his music, Wang expresses human suffering and future hope for humanity in a highly original way that mixes Chinese with Western elements. Dr. Wang Zheng-Ting’s paper explores a single instance of cultural syncretism, the Fantasie for Erhu by American composer Paul Rudy. The composition combines elements of musical genres from several cultures and explores the similarities of different fiddle styles. Dr. Loo Fung Ying and Dr. Loo Fung Chiat’s research shows how a new identity has been shared between a Chinese core and its multiracial peripheries in Malaysia, a phenomenon that presents a new creative output from the younger generations that mirrored the code-switching culture in the age of convergence.

None 없음


저자(글) CHUN in pyong

Prof. of Chung ang University

저자(글) Yu Hui

prof. of Kunming Uinversity (China)

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