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2020년 06월 11일 출간

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eBook 상품 정보
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ISBN 9791187632764
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This collection gathers together all of the works by Tertullian in a single, convenient, high quality, and extremely low priced ebook volume!
1부 변증론

1. The Apology
2. On Idolatry
3. The Shows, or De Spectaculis
4. The Chaplet, or De Corona
5. To Scapula
6. To the Nationes, or Ad Nationes
Book I
Book II
7. An Answer to the Jews
8. The Soul's Testimony
9. A Treatise on the Soul

2부 이단논박

1. The Prescription Against Heretics
2. Against Marcion
Book I
Book II
Book III
Book IV
Book V

3. Against Hermogenes
4 Against the Valentinians
5. On the Flesh of Christ
6. On the Resurrection of the Flesh
7. Against Praxeas
8. Scorpiace
9. Against All Heresies

1. On Repentance
2. On Baptism
3. On Prayer
4. To the Martyrs, or Ad Martyras
5. Passio Perpetuae
The Passion of the Holy Martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas
6. On Patience

On the Pallium Elucidations
On the Apparel of Women
Book I
Book II

On the Veiling of Virgins
To His Wife
Book I
Book II

On Exhortation to Chastity
On Monogamy
On Modesty
On Fasting In Opposition to the Psychics
De Fuga in Persecutione

On Prayer
기도에 대하여

Chapter I General Introduction.
1장 개요

The Spirit of God, and the Word of God, and the Reason of God--Word of Reason, and Reason and Spirit of Word--Jesus Christ our Lord, namely, who is both the one and the other,--has determined for us, the disciples of the New Testament, a new form of prayer; for in this particular also it was needful that new wine should be laid up in new skins, and a new breadth be sewn to a new garment. Besides, whatever had been in bygone days, has either been quite changed, as circumcision; or else supplemented, as the rest of the Law; or else fulfilled, as Prophecy; or else perfected, as faith itself. For the new grace of God has renewed all things from carnal unto spiritual, by superinducing the Gospel, the obliterator of the whole ancient bygone system; in which our Lord Jesus Christ has been approved as the Spirit of God, and the Word of God, and the Reason of God: the Spirit, by which He was mighty; the Word, by which He taught; the Reason, by which He came. So the prayer composed by Christ has been composed of three parts. In speech, by which prayer is enunciated, in spirit, by which alone it prevails, even John had taught his disciples to pray,6 but all John's doings were laid as groundwork for Christ, until, when "He had increased "--just as the same John used to fore-announce "that it was needful" that "He should increase and himself decrease"--the whole work of the forerunner passed over, together with his spirit itself, unto the Lord. Therefore, after what form of words John taught to pray is not extant, because earthly things have given place to heavenly. "He who is from the earth," says John, "speaketh earthly things; and He who is here from the heavens speaketh those things which He hath seen."8 And what is the Lord Christ's--as this method of praying is--that is not heavenly? And so, blessed brethren, let us consider His heavenly wisdom: first, touching the precept of praying secretly, whereby He exacted man's faith, that he should be confident that the sight and hearing of Almighty God are present beneath roofs, and extend even into the secret place; and required modesty in faith, that it should offer its religious homage to Him alone, whom it believed to see and to hear everywhere. Further, since wisdom succeeded in the following precept, let it in like manner appertain unto faith, and the modesty of faith, that we think not that the Lord must be approached with a train of words, who, we are certain, takes unsolicited foresight for His own. And yet that very brevity--and let this make for the third grade of wisdom--is supported on the substance of a great and blessed interpretation, and is as diffuse in meaning as it is compressed in words. For it has embraced not only the special duties of prayer, be it veneration of God or petition for man, but almost every discourse of the Lord, every record of His Discipline; so that, in fact, in the Prayer is comprised an epitome of the whole Gospel.

If you want to read the works of Tertullian, which is comendable, then this is a good book to use. Books about Tertullians writtings seem to pose you with difficulties in understanding them. This book, while not doing all that it could to make tertullian accesable, is one of the best. A valuable read.


저자(글) 터툴리안

Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus, anglicised as Tertullian, was a prolific early Christian author from Carthage in the Roman province of Africa. He is the first Christian author to produce an extensive corpus of Latin Christian literature. He also was a notable early Christian apologist and a polemicist against heresy. Tertullian has been called "the father of Latin Christianity" and "the founder of Western theology." Though conservative, he did originate and advance new theology to the early Church. He is perhaps most famous for being the oldest extant Latin writer to use the term Trinity (Latin trinitas), and giving the oldest extant formal exposition of a Trinitarian theology. Other Latin formulations that first appear in his work are "three Persons, one Substance" as the Latin "tres Personae, una Substantia" (itself from the Koine Greek "treis Hypostases, Homoousios"). He wrote his trinitarian formula after becoming a Montanist; his ideas were at first rejected as heresy by the church at large, but later accepted as Christian orthodoxy.

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